Monday, May 30, 2011

Henna Peacocks... the joyful diversity of henna tattoo designs

Here is a photo of a henna tattoo for the inner arm. This image is of a henna peacock riding a paisley wave... embellished and spaced to fit the clients arm.

This design runs from above the wrist to a few inches below the elbow. Henna tattoo will give a good stain on this part of the body, but the color will be more brown than red as the skin on the inner arm is more fine.

I used a lovely henna powder from Henna Sooq for this paste. The paste is stringy, wet, and makes very fine lines, as you can see. I sprayed the paste with a bit of lemon sugar to keep it moist and to help it stay on the skin.

One of the lovely things about the peacock design is that is easy to apply to a variety of locations. While the first image is intricate and took about 10 minutes to complete, the next image you will see is one of a tiny peackcock henna on a tiny hand.

I will offer henna tattoo to children who are accompanied by their parents, and who are familiar with their children's allergies. In all the years I have been doing henna, I have not yet had anyone have an adverse reaction.

I take great care in creating a paste that is aromatic, soothing, fresh and easy to apply. This makes it safe for children. My littlest customers only have to be able to sit still for a minute or two to get a lovely little tattoo.

If you are not sure about your little one, I am happy to do a spot test for you prior to applying a true design.

If you would like henna for yourself, or to arrange a small party, please let me know. It is now henna season, and tattoo is available with 24 hours notice at The Midnight Sun, 1055 Park Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32204.

Or.. just watch for the Henna Tattoo Today signs as you are driving through Five Points. 

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